The Problem

Chicago can and should be the safest large city in America. Achieving this goal requires a professional police force empowered to carry out its critical mission of keeping people safe while being held accountable for corruption and abuse. We envision a well-run police department that is efficient, prudent with resources, and subject to the same scrutiny as any other public service to ensure taxpayer dollars are used effectively. Furthermore, every Chicagoan deserves the safety experienced by those currently in our safest neighborhoods, so our public safety strategy must include robust investments in poverty reduction, education, and economic growth.

Chicagoans are united in reshaping public safety with compassion, justice, equity, and accountability—recognizing the dedication of those who serve while pushing for meaningful change. Supporting the police means lifting unnecessary responsibilities off their shoulders to create a better working environment and improve outcomes. By reallocating resources wisely and rethinking public safety holistically, Chicago can become not just the safest large city in America, but the safest big city in the world, with a public safety budget that is both effective and impactful.


The Solution: Bring Good Government to the Police Budget

  1. Automated Enforcement: Implement automated systems for traffic, speed, bus, and bike lane violations to free up officers for higher-priority tasks.
  2. Trained Auxiliary Forces: Establish dedicated, empowered divisions to handle responsibilities currently assigned to the CPD, such as staffing CTA stations, riding trains, managing traffic accidents, and overseeing public events.
  3. Detective Workforce: Increase Chicago's clearance rate by focusing on solving and preventing crimes through increased investment in detective resources.
  4. Urban Planning: Utilize community-centered design and improved infrastructure to reduce crime, such as better lighting at transit stations and public areas, car-free streets, and a citywide bike grid.
  5. Efficiency Audits: Conduct comprehensive audits to consistently identify waste and reallocate resources for maximum impact.